Thank You for making it this far..I am following Stevie though the 80's & 90's..It was a rough road at times for
her, but no one would know by the music and photos she gave us. If you have anything to to me..!!..And please
come back soon for Stevie with Fleetwood Mac...
"Like Alice Through The Looking Glass..She Used To Know Who She Was"
"Yes I know you..though wev'e been out of touch"
"Let the walls burn down..set your secrets free"
"Alright said Alice..I'm going back to the other side of the mirror..No you cannot tell
a gypsy..She's no longer a member"
"I'm going back to the Other Side Of The Mirror"
"You can have your hurt..but there's something you can do..You can Talk To Me"..
"I've cried a river of tears from the pain"